If You Need Assistance Please Call Jim or Pat at 781-630-2531 or 781-630-2613
Race Bib Ordering Info or General Contact

At this time, Rundisney is not allowing Travel Agents to sell race bibs.We are optimistic that they will allow us to in the future.

We can book your hotel reservation and add park tickets if you need them. Please fill out the short form below and we will be in touch soon.

We appreciate your business and look forward to talking to you.

Thank You, Have a Magical Day, And Keep Running, Jim & Pat Stone 781-630-2531 or 781-630-2613.

If You Need Assistance
Please Call Jim or Pat At
781-630-2531 or 781-630-2613


1004 Washington St
Whitman, MA 02382

We Take Credit Cards

Email: Click Here
Phone 1: 781-630-2613
Phone 2: 781-630-2531